Trying some new chicken recipes for our healthier eating challenge.  Now granted, I haven’t actually had the meals yet (though I tasted the sauces) I just prepared them. But wanted to tell you about it before I forgot.

Cheap Part: I got bone in/skin on Chicken Breast. On sale total spent was $7.50. After I de-skinned and de-boned the chicken (taking off extra fat where I could) I got enough for 5-6 servings of Chicken breast.  (Not bad) Plus I saved and tossed in the freezer all of the bones and the meat that was left on them. This will get used in the coming months for chicken broth for a chicken soup. Mmmmmm.

Fast part: It took an hour to prep the chicken and dividing it into the serving sizes I wanted and mix together the marinades. I put each chicken breast in a ziploc sandwich baggie.  Each will have their own marinade. It was an hour of my life now after the kids went to bed, and will make suppers in the future, super fast. (Grab a baggie, thaw, grill – serve!) Like no thought whatsoever!

Good part: Here are the recipe’s I used.

Mustard lemon Chicken (Enough for 2 chicken breasts)

1 Tbsp. prepared mustard

1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar

1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. paprika

Chicken Teryaki (We love this, I amended my favorite recipe for this to make it a bit healthier. It is slightly zippier, but still pretty good!)

2 TBS  Bragg’s Liquid Aminos

1 Packet of Truvia (Stevia natural no calorie sweetener)

1/2 TBS Red Wine Vinegar

Small scoop of minced Garlic

Ginger to taste.

Again does enough for 2 Chicken Breasts.

I have to say I am pretty impressed with my husband, he has been doing great at our new eating habits, and quite frankly I have been having a lot of fun being creative!
