What is this??? She does exist??? Yes I know, I thought I would post more once we started working on the nursery… but then I had stuff to do so  there became less time for posting. *Shrug* One of these days Ill get it.

Thought I would give you a little update on us.

* I am now officially in the 3rd trimester, under 13 weeks to go! I can’t believe how time is flying by!

* My energy level has definitely decreased again. This makes me sad when I start getting sleepy only to realise that the clock has barely turned to 9:30.

*So far all of my tests have come back as “normal”. I took the lovely glucose test about 2 weeks ago and haven’t heard from the Dr yet. But he said that “no news is good news” so I am assuming all is well.

*Sully tends to move a lot. There are periods now where he doesn’t move quite as much, but I can still feel him tossing and turning and kicking and jabbing. It is one of the most remarkable amazing wierdest feelings ever 🙂

* His heart rate at last appointment was right around 140.

* My joints (specifically my hips) have been bothering me a little more. But I suppose that is to be expected!

*Next Tuesday marks the begining of our every- other-week Doctor appointments.

Here is a belly pic, this is actually from about a month ago, but it is the only one I had off my camera. It feels as if my belly is substantially larger now!!!
